Pragmaticus ® GmbH Valves Division is an independent medium-sized company. We supply high-quality industrial valves and piping accessories for water treatment and distribution, waste water treatment, oil and gas industries, power plants, chemical and petrochemical industry, mining and steel industry and plant builders.
Our company profile and our philosophy are "to be more than a supplier"! Our basic activities are market and customer orientated. Our solutions for your valve problems: individual technical consulting, tailor made solutions for customer requirements and maximum flexibility in project handling. By bundling a wide product range and building product packages, we are able to reduce interfaces, procurement handling costs and to secure professional project handling.
With our strategic partnership to our manufacturing companies we guarantee continued product development, high-quality valves according to international standards and qualified delivery. International approvals and certificates for industrial valves and piping accessories development, manufacturing procedures, products and quality management, guarantee secure and reliable products, a modern logistic system and project management as well as an efficient service including maintenance.